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'Allo 'Allo! - The Stage PlayO

Performed: 10th - 25th May, 2002


Performed at: Town Hall Theatre

297 Queen St,

Campbelltown, NSW

Australia, 2560


A comedy based on the BBC Sitcom, 

Written by David Croft and Jeremy Lloyd


Directed by David W. Owens

Produced by: Sandi Owens


Allo 'Allo follows the adventures of Rene Artois, the hapless cafe owner in war-torn France, as he and his wife, Edith, struggle to keep for themselves a priceless painting of The Fallen Madonna with the Big Boobies, stolen by the Nazis and kept in a sausage in their cellar.  Rene is hiding two British Airmen and endeavouring, with the help of the Resistance, to repatriate them.

However, communications with London through a wireless disguised as a cockatoo adds to the many embarrassments he endures in the company of his patrons.  Matters come to a head with the news that the Fuhrer is to visit the town and the cafe becomes filled with tricksters intending to impersonate Hitler before the event.  Rene will need all the wit he can muster to save his cafe and his life.


Production team

Director/Sound Engineer

David W. Owens

Producer/Set Designer/Publicity

Sandi Owens

Stage Manager

Michael Mason

Assistant to the Director

Michael Trimboli

Assistant to the Producer

Lisa Dodge

Assistant Stage Managers

Patrick Rae & Julieanne Nicholl

Vocal Coach

Peter Novakovich


Paul Jackson

Set Construction

Jeff Pilgrim, Cast and Production Team

Costume Designer

Nerida Atkin

Lighting Designer

Ian Collins

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